Tips For A Cool Summer


Summer's here, and staying cool can be a challenge. Here are our top tips to keep you comfortable and safe all season long:

Collapsible Water Bottle GF PET

Hydrate Frequently.

Ensure your dog always has access to fresh, cool water. Hydration is key to regulating body temperature.

Shade and Shelter

Provide shaded areas for your dog to rest, especially during peak sun hours. A cool, shady spot is essential for avoiding heatstroke.

Elasto-Fit¨ Ice Vest¨ | Dog Cooling Vest | Aqua GF PET Cooling GF Pet Official Online Store

Cooling Vests and Bandanas

Use cooling vests and bandanas treated with water-absorbing, evaporative materials to help keep your dog’s body temperature down.
Check out our easy to use Ice Vest® & Ice Band® - wet with water, wring, and GO!

Avoid Midday Walks

Exercise your dog during the cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or late evening, to prevent overheating.

Cooling Mats and Beds

Invest in cooling mats or beds designed to keep your dog’s sleeping area cool and to help them stay chill on those dog days of summer.

Sprinklers and Pools

Let your dog play in a shallow kiddie pool or with a sprinkler to cool off while having fun.

Not all dogs are great swimmers; grab a dog Life Vest to give you peace of mind while they splish & splash.

Air Conditioning and Fans

Keep your home cool with air conditioning or fans. If your dog is outside, consider using outdoor fans or misting systems.

Ice Treats

Create dog-friendly ice treats to provide cooling relief, extra hydration, and a fun distraction.

For an easy and enjoyable option, try our Ice Toys, available in Ice Cream Cone or Ice Pop shapes. Just fill with water and freeze for a refreshing treat your dog will love!



Regular grooming can help keep your dog cool by removing excess fur. However, be careful not to shave double-coated breeds, as their fur helps regulate temperature.

Limit Sun Exposure

Be mindful of surfaces like asphalt that can get extremely hot and burn your dog's paws. Have a pup who's hot to trot on walks when it's literally too hot to trot? Use booties or stick to grassy areas when walking.